Pencil fish! I've been wanting to get some - how are you liking them so far? I have almost 30 tanks so I have a variety of fish. I have dwarf rainbows, kribensis, jewel cichlids, guppies, rice fish, least killis, red rili shrimp, racoon tiger shrimp, bristle nose plecos, platys, rams, yellow belly livebearers, pygmy corydoras, hairy puffer...and I am sure I am forgetting some!
The males are very territorial,so I heavily planted the tank for hiding areas. The females need to get away too. My problem is that the tank is only 15 gallons and I started with 8 fish. They are the 3 line ( not the super reds!) Over the summer I could collect fresh rainwater and mosquito larvae which stimulated breeding. Moss patches were where they laid eggs. Nice variety of fish you have! I'm looking forward to summer when I can set up big tanks on the deck.
What kind of fish and tanks do you have.? I just found some surprise Pencil fish fry in my 15 gallon tank! 3 of them btw.
Pencil fish! I've been wanting to get some - how are you liking them so far? I have almost 30 tanks so I have a variety of fish. I have dwarf rainbows, kribensis, jewel cichlids, guppies, rice fish, least killis, red rili shrimp, racoon tiger shrimp, bristle nose plecos, platys, rams, yellow belly livebearers, pygmy corydoras, hairy puffer...and I am sure I am forgetting some!
The males are very territorial,so I heavily planted the tank for hiding areas. The females need to get away too. My problem is that the tank is only 15 gallons and I started with 8 fish. They are the 3 line ( not the super reds!) Over the summer I could collect fresh rainwater and mosquito larvae which stimulated breeding. Moss patches were where they laid eggs. Nice variety of fish you have! I'm looking forward to summer when I can set up big tanks on the deck.