Occasionally, I take pictures of my fish for instagram, for thumbnails, for my website, or just for the fun of it - here are some of my favorites:
Here’s one of my betta fishes. I have two betta’s and they both have a ton of personality. I prefer the short-fin bettas over the long flowly finned ones. So, I normally only buy female bettas or plakat bettas as they have shorter, more natural fins.
Below is one of my gold rams! She is stunning but I have no idea how she is the color that she is….Both of her parents are Black Rams but somehow she turned out gold. When I was spawning my black rams, they had about 2 batches of all black ram fry but from the 3rd batch onward they were all golden…no more black rams. I read that rams generally don’t breed true all the time and this could be the reason why I was getting many batches of gold rams instead of black. Either way, she’s a beauty.
Below is…or was…my prehistoric monster fish. He or she, lived for about 1 week and then suddenly died. I don’t know why as there was other fish (his food) in the tank with him still alive and well. Tests came back fine…So, I feel like he either couldn’t adapt to my water chemistry or he ate somthing bigger than he should. Either way, this is a really cool fish that I plan on getting again once I am more certain about the habitat they need and I am able to find a more reputable source to ensure its healthy from day 1.
Below are a few fish I either currently have or used to - In no particular order, they are: Kribensis, Jewel Cichlid, Black Ram, Red Rili Shrimp, Clown Killifish, Apistogramma, Peacock Gudgeon

Well, that’s all for today folks!