I have recently changed directions in the way my fish room will be set up. It was almost entirely tanks set up for a variety of breeding projects…
Going forward, I will be cutting the amount of breeding tanks I have in half and instead have a 50/50 split between breeding tanks and collection tanks. These collection collects will be for my dream fish that I have always wanted!
So, far I have 2 collection tanks set up - 1 for a hairy puffer (Pao Baileyi) and 1 for a freshwater toad fish (Thalassophryne Amazonica)! These are some awesome fish, check them out:
I plan on eventually collecting:
Freshwater seahorse
Potato Puffer
Amazon Leaf Fish
All of these fish are fairly advanced and require live food in some cases and in all cases frozen food. As far as breeding projects this is what I currently have going on:
Rice fish - I have a line of orange sparkle medaka rice fish that I have been spawning since this summer. I went from 10 to 50 in 1 season!
Yellow belly Cuban livebearers - these guys look like guppies or endlers but are not…they are another type of “less heard of” live bearer. I picked these fellas up at the most recent club auction.
Pygmy corydoras - I have a small school of pygmy’s and they are adorable. I plan on colony breeding this bunch in a tank with the Yellow belly livebearers. Not sure if the yellow bellies will eat the cory fry but we will find out!
Kribensis - I have been raising a couple batches of fry from my Kribensis pair and they are amazing parents. Kribensis are a dwarf cichlid that are cave spawners. After laying their eggs in a cave they will ferociously defend their babies. I currently have around 60 - 80 baby fry swimming with their parents!
Red rili shrimp - I have been breeding these shrimp for about 3 years now. They are a neocaridina shrimp that is fairly easy to breed and raise. I have probably bred, raised, and sold many hundreds if not thousands by now.
Least killifish - I have a small colony of least killifish. They are another live-bearing fish that you may have not heard of - they are very small and reproduce fairly quickly. And they are actually native to the US.
Raccoon Tiger Shrimp - this is my 2nd attempt at keeping a caridina shrimp. The reason why I picked these shrimp is because I was told these are some of the only caridina shrimp that can be raised in just tap water. No need to add RO water then remineralize….apparently. In a few months, I will let you know if this is true!
Golden swordtail guppies - another auction find! I picked these up on the last club auction that I attended and they are amazing. I can’t wait to have a huge colony of these fellas.
Dwarf Rainbows - I have 6 adult rainbows and they have been laying eggs every day in the spawning mop. I have around 20 juveniles that are in a grow out tank and a few fry in their own tank. I have been feeding them exclusively spirulina powder and what I found is that the existing “live food” that is already in the tank started to explode! And now the fry eat this “live food”. Such as, copepods, paramecium, and other infusoria feed on the spirulina powder and then as their population grows the fry feed on them - its an incredibility easy way to feed live food without having to “culture” it in the traditional way we normally see it done.
And that’s all folks! Happy fishkeeping!